Saturday, July 5, 2014

How sweet it is...and then there's the bitter

We did go geocaching this morning!!!  And twice I teared up just by doing the activity and the awareness of how much I missed it.  Missed the world, in general.  We stayed out for about an hour and a half or maybe two and then were home before 10a.m.  I don't have nearly enough vocabulary to express how great it was to do that today.  Sometimes this house, which I love and is a fantastic home, starts to feel a bit like I imagine a jail cell would.  We quit early which I think was wise.  Tim wanted me not to get "too pooped out for the rest of the day".  What a blessing that he understands my needs and limitations.  So thankful.

Later the same day....

Well, my morning was so sweet to me.  She was free of stress and symptoms.  She allowed me activity which included outdoors in the beautiful day.  She let me spend time doing something I love with my loved one.  She was kind.  (She is pink and wears a tu-tu and her hair in a bun)

Now, my afternoon is angry. (He is one of those munchkins from the Lollipop Guild.  Remember them?, mischievous little brats.) He seems to think this is the morning's fault, that we feel this way now.  (Oh, BTW, imagine feeling like a truck hit you and then a piano fell on you. OK, now you're with me)  He wants us to point the finger of blame at my sweet morning.  As if it is her fault.  SHE IS INNOCENT, I SAY.  She did not cause this Mr. Afternoon.  Just go and take your nap and shush.

Even Later the same day....

Up from a long nap now and afternoon rages on.  Nap did nothing to appease his anger.  Oh well, sometimes that works.  Just not today.  I refuse to blame my sweet morning.  She is my friend, my heroine.  I might feel like somebody beat me even if I didn't do the fun activity she allowed me.  Yes, I might.  And, I'M GLAD FOR HER AND HER KINDNESS.  I would not undo it.  Even if it lifted the piano.  Small increments of positive go a very long way when the larger increments of negative are the "norm".  Don't you blame her Mr.  Afternoon, don't you dare.....

Have happy, happy, happy days

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