Saturday, March 21, 2020

I Know How To Do This So Far

My mostly stay-at-or close-to-home lifestyle, avoiding crowded places, my self-protection of wearing a surgical mask on public transit, all these things serve me well in adjusting to the pandemic.  I know how to do this, for now.  I know how to entertain myself.  I know how to be alone, even though I'm not all alone, Tim is here.  I know how to go forward without interaction from others.  I've successfully done it already.  I can do it.  That is the upside.  The icing on that upside cake is that I'm provided for by way of shelter and food more securely than many, many folks.  I'm able to keep my spirit feeling peaceful, yet at least marginally informed by only reading updated news once daily.  Ironically, I pulled myself off FaceBook almost entirely for Lent, and the timing was indeed the Lord's.  If I were at it's mercy, the constant fear and panic, I might not be handling this week so well.  Who knows?  I might choose to stay off it when Easter arrives. 

For now, I'm blessed.  That's the continuous thread in my life.  Blessed.  We have food.  Tim has a job he can do in our home.  I'm not in a high-risk category, nor is he.   But mostly, the blessing is my lack of fear or worry.  What will be will be.  It is only in my hands to a minuscule degree.  I'll protect myself and others how I can, and leave the rest to the Lord.

Have happy days.