Wednesday, June 8, 2016

And the Next Chapter Begins

Our family has moved house.  We've been here 4 days now.  The layout of the house complemented by it's mature backyard trees allows me to actually enjoy looking out windows, something I haven't been able to enjoy doing since I got sick.  I don't tolerate unfiltered, glaring sunlight.  Here, I have a view of my lovely landscaped backyard all day which doesn't even show me she sky unless I go out onto the patio.  Every bit of light is filtered before it gets to me.  To me, enjoying the backyard view is like the most beautiful garden ever.  I didn't even realize how much I missed seeing grass and trees and flowers.  Our home is very near a large lake, so there is a breeze often.  Yesterday I could sit out in the afternoon even though it was 90 degrees because I was in such deep shade and there was a breeze.  It was, it is lovely.  I continue to feel very, very blessed.

I am going to try to take my time unpacking and do it at a pace I can handle rather than the pace I'd like to do it at, the let's just get it done pace.

Oscar and Evy are adapting well.  Kitty hasn't missed litterboxes yet.  The yard is chock full of birds and squirrels, which is new for him but, he is actually much quieter here than at the previous house.

I have ventured out for only one dog walk, which I did in the chair.  We didn't go very far, maybe 15 minutes away from home, and turned around.  I do look forward to a time when I am more ambulatory, and my legs are more reliable so I can walk him through the new neighborhood without anxiety about how long I'll last and if I'll make it back home.  It is a gorgeous neighborhood, to me.

I spent the first day alone here checking and re-locking the doors multiple times.  I didn't do it as much the second day, and today I haven't done it at all.  It is a larger house and quite spread out, so, I do think it will take me some time to feel settled here.

I look forward to finding a new pilates class.  I look forward to getting my own transportation independence, but that will take a little more than a month.  Forms must be filled out by a doctor, and a new doctor must be found , etc.

Many new opportunities exist for us.  New church, possibility, new knitting circle, possibility, new library stuff to do, possibility. I know the Lord will continue to be with me and strengthen me when I feel humanly weak.

My spouse is happy at his new job and even happier with his new commute.  He said last evening that he enjoyed the train ride, he could close his eyes and relax.

Such gratitude for the transition so far.  Such thankfulness for the support and prayers of those who love us.  Gratitude that even headaches continue to be manageable even when they grow to migraine level.  I am no longer disabled by the severity of them.

Have happy, happy days