Monday, September 11, 2017

September Post

Nothing terribly eventful or exciting has happened lately.  Just a monthly post to keep current.

Update on the parallels of Swiss Family Robinson to living with chronic illness:  I think I picked out most of them early in the book.  It is seen in the attitudes.  The rest of the book is the story, which is fictional.  Truly fictional, as it has lions and kangaroos, and penguins, and ostrich you can saddle and ride.  But, it is enjoyable, and a good escape, which is what I like my reads to be.

I have had some trouble lately with night terrors.  After talking it over with friends, it allowed me to give it clarity in my mind so I could talk about it with T and with my therapist.  Finally, with a few plans of action to try, the one that has been successful at giving me the most terror free nights is 5-10 mg of Valium.  This is a fair trade off to waking up screaming in my mind.  My new psychiatrist didn't have any problem prescribing the benzo for me, as now many want patients to see a pain specialist for those meds.  I hope they are a temporary sleeping thing and I will periodically try to sleep without the med, in an effort not to depend of the drug.  But, since I became afraid to sleep at one point, that is not a fear which I can abide if there is an option.

T and I seem to both be in a really good place both mentally and emotionally.  My health is iffy right now as seasons change.  One thing that you can bet the farm on is that during a seasonal change, I will be suffering more.  My body doesn't like or adapt well to change.  Home is a very happy place.  He is working out almost daily.  He walks the dogs almost daily, which is a new turn of events in the household.  Norway the cat has come to be more loving, affectionate and comfortable with us all in the last month or so.  He spends time hanging out with us, where before he separated himself.  Neither of us are good at engaging him in play.  We should work on that.

Grateful that a few friends have reached out to me lately in their own life crises.  Grateful that I'm seen as someone who will listen with compassion, without judgment, with love and honesty. Grateful that during those times I was needed to listen, I had the lucidity to do so.  It is so important to feel needed and wanted.  And being there for them allowed me to feel that.  A priceless feeling.

Attempting my first craft show next month, so spending time trying to get inventory for that prepared.  My only hope is that I can make the money back that I pay out for the booth.  Set expectations low.  lol

I am doing fairly well.  Symptoms are rampant but, I am happy and well-nourished.  I do some active exercise most days.  I am eating carefully.  I constantly learn about the details of my illnesses, giving me validity that what I experience is a shared issue among my dazzle (my group of zebras).

Today is September 11.  I hope and pray that people worldwide can focus on the positives of that day, and not the negatives.

Thankful for my life, grateful that I live far from the sea and any hurricane threat.  Thankful that my family weathered the recent storms well.

Have happy days,