Thursday, June 12, 2014

When to be thankful

He tells us to:

Be thankful in all circumstances (for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus).  1 Thes 5:18

Now, think about that for just a second.  In every situation I find myself, I am called to have gratitude for it.  When I lose the ability to clearly speak on the phone to (everyone is at risk when they call me) whoever and it just happens mid-sentence, I am asked for gratitude.  When I have to sit down on the sidewalk downtown because there is just no bench anywhere near and I just cannot stand any longer, I am asked for gratitude.  When I receive distressing news about a friend or family member and I fully deeply understand there is nothing I can do to help except pray, I am asked for gratitude.  When I see an older man walking into the medical office lobby who has trouble opening the door and I want to open it for him but I remember that in fact, I could not open it for myself either, I am asked for gratitude.  Complicated.  Difficult.

I do know this.  Grateful hearts are loving.  They take nothing for granted.  Not life, breath, love, not anything.  On my heart's list of goals:  Gratitude.  In all circumstances.

Today's example:  Evy, the queen of cats, has kidney disease now.  She does not feel well at all.  Consequently she has already peed on both of the dog beds.  Today, she also peed on his toys.  I am thankful for this because it is her language to me that she still feels really yucky.  Three days of subcutaneous fluid doesn't have her "back on her feet" yet.  This condition was just diagnosed about 5 days ago so, treatments are in early stages.

So, I need to pick out the pieces of my situations and find the jewels that I didn't have before.  With a pure heart, thanking God that the sidewalk I have to sit down on is not wet from rain or snow, and that it is in a part of town I don't feel directly threatened and that I haven't accidentally sat in dog poop.  :)

Have happy, happy days.

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