Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wow, a lot has happened to me

So, I have jumped in the deep end of this "writing a book" pool.  I did at least begin with an outline, nod to Mrs. Huenke at CCC, but, it is eleven pages long.  Wondering if I might have challenges with this when I get to the editing part.  LOL.

I have decided my strategy is to write the book as if I am writing it to my friend, and old friend, newly diagnosed.  That stage of it for me was the one in which I would have welcomed a book like this.  So, without naming any names, (I don't even know if she reads my blog) I'm gonna write this to you, yes you.  Some of it may sound harsh, rude, blunt, but, I promise all of it will be the truth.  The truth from my eyes and ears.  My truth.

It is energizing to have this project committed to and I woke up this morning and couldn't wait to get to my brainstorming outline.  I want to make sure I have really rolled around in it for a bit before I start making sentences.  I fear when I start, I might not stand up again or eat anything for 5 or 6 days.  Well maybe one day.  And even if I did that for one day, that is a no-no for me.  Moderation.  Balance.  That is the land I live in.  Mantra.  Come on y'all.  "Moderation, Balance, Moderation, Balance......"  It's like the scene in the movie Hitch where Will Smith is teaching Kevin____ how to dance.  He says "you live right here.  I don't ever want to see you doing that crazy stuff again."

Have a happy evening!

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