Thursday, October 2, 2014

Remembering the issues

This is one of the most insidious parts of the fibro syndrome.  If you don't have a specific symptom for a while, it is actually surprising and disturbing when it happens again.  It's like I'm able to forget that pain was THAT bad or that fatigue (which is what I have now) is so severe.  Otherwise, I'd think I were really quite ill.

Yes, I took a long road trip on the weekend.  Yes, it did wear me out.  Yes, I did take care of myself, taking naps, getting proper food, not overexposing myself, etc.

Yesterday, I was only able to be out of my bed for 4 hours out of 24.  Today I have been up trying to do chores for two hours and I just can't go on.  It feels like I weigh about twice what I do, and that most of that weight is dead weight which I am dragging around.  I cannot walk at all.  I have not even brushed my teeth or had a bath.  The animals have yesterdays water.

(Oscar came home from boarding with diarrhea and I am trying to watch him carefully while I'm awake but, how can I monitor a dog if I cannot even keep myself fed?)

So, I am just gonna do what my body is screaming for, go back to bed.  Somehow, even sitting upright and typing is sucking the very life out of me.  This is, excuse me, shitty.

Making sure I have a grateful heart, I thank God that I have a warm, safe, happy, comfortable home to keep my bed in and that there are not other demands in my life which absolutely require my attention. Hope I get a bath sometime today.

Have lovely days, on my behalf, too!

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