Saturday, October 4, 2014

Between them and God

Here is a  thought that I put on my refrigerator.  It has helped my attitude in many situations.  I used to be very self-conscious about how conspicuous I looked, at my age, with a cane, or in a wheelchair, when there seemed to be nothing wrong with me.  Well, that's over.  Here is what I have come to know:

Whatever people think about me is none of my business.

There.  Now, I don't care.  People in my life who love me, truly love me and know my truth, think loving things about me.  Also, whatever they choose to tell me, that is my business, but nothing else.  Those other thoughts are between them and God.  I am no more or less important to Him than each of His other children.  Every single child has lessons to learn.

This is helpful because now:  I don't care if I look like a homeless person when I go out because those clothes happen to be the ones that don't hurt me that day.  If someone pities me, scorns me, or even prays for me, all of that is between them and God, and none of my concern.  When a woman sees me climb out of my disabled plated car and continues to stare openly at me trying to see what disability I have, again, between her and God.  Her bad judgement and obscene manners are none of my business.  Yes, I could cop an attitude and let it ruin hours of my day but, really, why bother?  She's being ruder than rude and answers to HIM for her behavior not me.  None of my business.

I slept many more hours this week than I spent awake.  Those who know my struggle understand I would not choose this as the way I would live, if I had choices.  Any others who might label me lazy, or disbelieve my plight of fatigue, that is between them and God.  He will find a way to put them on the road to love.  If they resist that road, it is sad for them, and none of my business.

I, by the way, just got home from walking the dog!  Yay, ME!!!  Just a few days ago, I could not walk at all.  AT ALL. What a roller-coaster this life of mine is.  No, we did not walk for long, but I did get out of my house into the world and the beautiful day.  My now healthy lovey dog is getting over his bug or whatever and had his tail held high.  We are blessed.

Have happy happy days!!

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