Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The First Blog - Post-Nap

So, not having given this blog thing much thought at all before jumping into it, I will sort of plan as I go.  Warnings now about potential disorganization and randomness.  Also, anything that doesn't say "Post-Nap" is to be taken with a grain of salt.  During times when I live with exceptional pain, sleep is the only actual relief I get.  And, if I am too many hours away since my last sleep, my brain becomes addled from it.  So be aware that try as I might, pre-nap blogs might not make for easily understood reading. 

I decided to call the blog Faith, Friends, Food  .... How I Cope with my Fibro.  I think these three areas encompass my true coping skills. 

My faith is deeper now.  I believe that when illness strikes, faith is priceless.  It offers wellness again when nothing else here on Earth can.  Sure, maybe not wellness in this life in this human form, but wellness someday in His Kingdom. 

Friends are interesting.   Friends come and go in life, some stay for a bit, some stay for a long time, some are very fleeting, I understand that each is put in my life to teach me something.  If I strive to learn whatever lesson the Lord intends, I have benefitted from the friendship and I hope my friend has too.  I have learned how to be my own friend, how to befriend candidates who would seem unlikely, and how to lean on friends.  I have truly learned the strength of shared bonds.  They are stronger when the bonds are unwelcome and the shared experiences are unpleasant. 

Food has recently improved my quality of life immensely.  My fibro syndrome consisted of 1) physical pain, 2) migraine headaches,  3) fibro fog (kind of a nice way to say I am extremely zoned out), and 4) depression.  While my depression is controlled very well by medication and therapy and lifestyle, the other 3 were largely uncontrolled.  I did have medicine to take for migraines but, they stopped working.  I will write more about this later but, suffice to say, now, 1, 2, AND 3 are improved by one action on my part.  Food choices. 

Since I was not issued a crystal ball, I cannot know if I will ever be free of fibromyalgia.  But, I can enjoy today.  I can choose to be happy.  I can live with an attitude of gratitude and the wisdom that life can change on a dime.  I can be proud of surviving.  Every day. 

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