Friday, November 29, 2019

Life Can Be More Than Descendants

I have had this on my mind for a little bit now.    It is because I am so well, physically, mentally, socially, etc that I want to address this now.  Mostly, I hope that by writing it, I can make more sense of it and get it off my chest, where it now lies.

My own life is not lessened by the fact that I never had children.  My funeral will be less crowded, surely, but that does not mean I am less loved or that the impact I had was less meaningful or important.  I don't get to have anybody I raised return to me during the year, at holidays, or call me on my birthday, celebrating me.  I don't have grand-mothering to look forward to.   And I am ok with it because I have to be.  It is what is.  So, I accept it. 

The only social media I'm on anymore is FaceBook, and I've left most of the support groups I used to spend time and energy within.  So, my information is coming from other healthy folks, folks who don't live with illness every day.  And, what I interpret is that being a parent generally validates a life, and without that experience, many have no idea how they would carry on.  This is so insulting to me.

It is lovely that any one of our lives reach so far and wide that churches fill for funerals, but, that doesn't mean her life is better in the eyes of Our Lord than mine is.  I will fill a few rows, maybe.  That's just how my life has unfolded.  My journey.  Circumstances prevented me from touching the lives of others as I might have for over half of my life.    And now, at age 50, I just want to say, I count.  Even though I'm not a mother.  My life counts.  Even though my progeny will not fill any pews in any churches at the time of my death.

Maybe "the most important thing you ever did" shouldn't be raising a child.  Maybe it should be focusing on one's own emotional and mental health enough so a maladapted and emotionally stunted child doesn't get raised.

I'm blessed this year in ways I couldn't have dared to hope for.  I feel well.  I've discovered adaptations and management techniques that have kept me feeling this way for most of the last year, which is a record since 2005.  Holidays can be a difficult time when everyone who we're related to and love isn't present to celebrate with us.   I think we all feel the sting of love turned to grief especially at this time of year.    But, if you know folks like me in your world, maybe speak a bit less about how your life would be meaningless without your child.    Because my life is without one.  And I am equally meaningful in the only eyes that matter.  His eyes. 

May you all be blessed,

1 comment:

  1. I have missed your blogs. I was really glad to see them again. Every few weeks, I log into this site. You are an inspiration and I look forward to reading your insights. Love and hugs.
