Wednesday, February 3, 2016

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

On February 2nd, Migraine-zilla of 2016 finally broke.  I had NO headache that day.  And I think I may not have stopped smiling until I was asleep again.  When Timothy got home, I ran through the house dancing around and jumped up on him kissing him.  He said that he couldn't remember the last time I smiled like that.  See, I was right.  It did pass.  It was a season.  And even if it, rather more realistically when it returns, as long as I can remember that key element, I will be ok.

It was proof to me that just as we, humanity, have the ability to forget how pain feels, we also have the ability to forget how wellness feels.  I could not remember ever in my 47 years of life having a day as glorious as yesterday.  Truly.

This update today is just going to be short because I am determined to sweep my floors today.  But, I wanted to say that I asked my doc if I could try my hydrocodone for the pain because I had been in the 9 out of 10 range for days.  He said yes, and after two doses, voila.  I could go out in the SUNSHINE!!!!!!!  Now, it is my deep desire not to use a narcotic for my pain, to cope as best I can without opiates.  But, there is a HUGE amount to be said for quality of life.  My quality was below what I am willing to sacrifice.

When I used to work in a group home for the Pinellas County ARC with elderly mentally handicapped folks, Jessie, who had Down's syndrome and I were particularly close.  She was in her 50's which is quite old for that particular illness.  We'd stand and hold both hands together and sing to each other the You Are My Sunshine song.  She's shining down on me now for sure.

Grateful that for 2 mornings in a row, I have not had to medicate for head pain nor put dark glasses on to keep beautiful light at bay.  Grateful to feel normal and well, besides an ache or pain here and there.  Grateful that I actually forgot how it feels so I am actually surprised as to this new blessing.

Have happy, happy, happy, days.  Trust in HIM.  HE will not abandon us.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to be reading this post right now and really happy you have been experiencing some good days. Hope they are continuing. Hugs.
