Thursday, June 1, 2017

Multiple Headaches and Multiple Horses

I love my naps.  When I wake from them, even if pain persists, I usually have a clear head for a bit.  That's what I've got now, which is why I have made some thinking connections to share.    First, understand that I would wipe out all migraines from all people if I had the opportunity.  No question.  I might even try to figure out how to control them to use them for torture of our "enemies", lol.  I use an app to track and record mine called Migraine Buddy.  I have one now, by the way.  Woke up from the nap with it, which is unfair, I should point out.  But here is what makes me feel better.  On the app, I can see 146 other people in my town use it, and I can go to a chat room where there is almost always someone else with a migraine.  Not that I want others to have one, but knowing that the problem is truly a result of weather, and that others have the same physical response to it, helps me to endure it.  The load feels not lighter, but maybe more carry-able.  So, there's that.

My second nugget is this, and it's not at all helpful, but when I heard it, I thought so much that if I had wishes, I might be in danger of using one for multiple horses.  I am listening to an audiobook called NPCs which is written from the point of view of a group of unlikely video game characters who find themselves in the position of important adventurers.  As I was doing the dishes just now, the sentence said that the "threat of danger so present that it needed a horse of its own."  That is how I feel about my pain.  I need one horse for myself, to journey through life on, and I need one additional horse just to haul around my pain.  My body and my pain are too much for one horse.  And, my pain is too much to just drag around being pulled by the horse who carries me.  I need an additional horse just for it.  My pain, so present in my life that "it needs a horse of its own".  I think I will name pain's horse Anita.  Not sure why, it just seems to fit.

OK.  Those are my life altering thoughts for this evening.  Glad others have migraines.  Need 2 horses, minimum.  Grateful for my sanity, lol.
Have happy days!!

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