Thursday, May 4, 2017

Salt, salt, salt, salt

Maybe I should change the name of my blog to Salt, Faith, Family, Friends, etc.  lol  Honestly, if anyone would've ever told me how much difference the correct amount of salt inside me would make, I'd never have believed it.  But, yesterday, my doc appointment proved it.  My POTS symptoms are all but gone.  Yes, I still have other stuff from other syndromes that make my life very challenged, but we have successfully treated those issues which were treatable where POTS is concerned.  There has been one medicine involved.  I have another metabolic stress test scheduled for late June.  Depending on its results, I may even come off of it!!  I may be able to just manage these symptoms with my high protein, very high salt, and daily light exercise regimen.  Can't tell y'all how nice it is to stand up and not black out.  lol.  Yay for blood flow!!!  Huge kudos to my nutritionist, Dr. Ron Overburg.  He has been just an email away for months with me, and has helped every time I have reached out.  A blessing.  Yesterday, my BP was 130/80.  In January, the average was about 72/58.  No wonder I feel so much better, and I can now think clearly a lot more often.

The moral of the story:  Don't give up.  Answers are out there for some of the questions.  And some of those answers are simple, without any side effects.  Use your energy as wisely as you can but, don't quit trying to improve your life.

Gratitude for my access to health care.  For our ability to afford it, and my courage to face the facts.
Have happy, happy, days!