Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Root, and the Incident

This will be short because I am profoundly weak.  Too weak to really sit up for long and type.  Two pieces of big news.  I found out that I have a MTHFR genetic mutation, and that is the reason I have fibromyalgia.  Nothing I did.  Nothing I didn't do.  Nothing I'm responsible for.  Nothing I brought on myself.  Just in my DNA, as is brown hair and German, and many other things.  Not nearly enough mental energy now to begin explaining it.  But, I would have gotten this no matter what I did.

Second, this morning I had to be rescued by a stranger, again.  I haven't been at the mercy of the world for some years now but, it happened today and it has shaken me.  I was walking the dog, using my cane, and simply underestimated my ability.  I sat down on the sidewalk twice for short rests.  On the third time, I knew I wouldn't be getting back up.  An older man walking his dog found me lying on the sidewalk and walked back to my house (only 5 houses up the hill, I could see it) to get my husband, whose cell phone was off.  I can't fully explain how vulnerable a position that is.  I might as well have been a newborn, except that I could communicate.  I was too weak to stand when Tim got there.  Have been since, about 3 hours ago.  Had a small cry, got support from a friend.  It's upsetting, needing to rely on strangers.  For any who wonder how God gives his provisions for us, it is in these people who step up and help.  It is not in money or power or security.  It is in service to those in need.

Gratitude that I listened to my body closely enough and did not allow it to fall and become injured.  Further gratitude for those who care for me, even if it is only for 5 minutes this morning.  Thank you Lord.

Have happy days.

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