Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In ALL Things Give Thanks

As I'm going about my morning routine, feeding and watering animals, putting clothes in the dryer, scooping litter boxes, I have had an idea.

I am going to be consciously thankful for my fibromyalgia.  There are times when I have been thankful for some aspects of it before, but not always, and not as it unfolds, symptom by symptom.  I am going to CHOOSE to see it as a BLESSING in my life for which I was picked.  After all, there is absolutely no reason why this fact would be wrong.  Yesterday's passage in Jesus Saves spoke of His sovereignty and love.  It referred to why we imagine that He lets cruelty happen in our world, and the finite nature of our minds.  It is simply not for us to understand.  To spend time trying is to waste the glorious life He has given us.  So, I am making a choice today.  I don't know that I will be able to stick to this mindset when severe symptoms clobber me but, I am able to commit right now, this morning.  So, I will give it a practice run and see how it fits.  I would like it to fit snugly but not tightly.

Reasons why my debilitating illness is a BLESSING:
1. Hopefully, others will experience in me a presence of Christ's love.  Ideally, they may see that as an example.
2.  I provide a genuine reason for strangers, friends, family to demonstrate generosity and kindness.
3.  I am provided a glimpse at those who are hardened by the world and do not care for humanity or the suffering of others, thus giving me an opportunity to pray for them specifically.
4.  I can live in a purposeful way.  I can choose what to do, and when (within my limits, of course.  I cannot go rock-climbing, lol.).  I am not required to go through busy motions, filling my mind and soul with pollution.
5.  I try to live happily and joyfully whenever I'm able.  The result is that in my home, a man, a dog and a cat are all happy and content.  Thus, if I pass before the animals or my spouse, there is a greater chance that they will be able to continue to spread the happiness that I hope I have planted.  (I do not presume to take full credit for anyone's happiness but my own, but I do know that I have created an environment of love in this home.)
6.  I give others an opportunity to thank God for their good fortune and good health.
7.  I open discussions between children and parents about folks who have different health needs.
8.  I am funnier than I was before.  I take everything less seriously.  I laugh more.
9.  I've been given an opportunity to get to know both my parents in their retirement years, and they are not only loving and supportive of me, they are healthy themselves.  Many do not get such an opportunity and I do not take it for granted.
10.  I no longer dwell at all on the future or what it may bring.  I am in full awareness that I do not now, nor have I ever had a crystal ball and to pretend I do is an insult to my Savior.  His will will be done.  Not mine.
11.  I can observe Him everywhere.  In all creation.  In every flower.
12.  I have truly learned once and for all that fear is the absence of God.  Nothing more or less.  It is a creation of darkness and I will have no part in it.  (Not to say that some of those ice-pick stabbing pains don't alarm me sometimes, they do.  But, I am only very temporarily shaken.)

I've gone through my one allotted cup of coffee now so, I will go and get on with my day.  The bus comes for me in 90 min and I want to be just a bit more productive before that.

I will try to not strive for the independence my humanity craves, but instead go to Him when I am in need.  He said He will never abandon me.  Time for me to prove I believe it.

May you all have happy, happy days!!


  1. After the surgery, I am just now up to reading this. Words fail. You , YOU, are my inspiration to walk more in the light of God's presence. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. God Bless You. Love and hugs.

    1. You're an inspiration yourself, darlin'. We'd never get through this without our faith. Have a good day! Don't FALL!!!! lol
