Monday, March 25, 2013


I'm talking about small tasks of daily living here.  Not what pre-fibro Marie would consider actual accomplishments.  For example, getting a load of laundry through to the end so it is in the closet or folded in the drawer.  Going out on the bus to a doc appointment and making it back home.  Giving the dog and cat clean water and food. 

Blessedly, I no longer hold the bar for such activities higher than I can reach.  It is about an inch over.  An accomplishment is just finishing to my ability at that time.  It doesn't have to be pretty (we are not a magazine photoshoot), timely (not a newspaper), effecient, (not whatever needs effeciency), graceful, or even complete.  Today is laundry day.  Historically, I know that the amount of laundry my home makes can be done and finished in a day.  I have done it before, so I know this to be true.  Today, however, I will feel accomplished if I get some of it dried and out to the loveseat.  I have no plans whatsoever to complete it.  I don't even have plans to try folding anything.  I don't have any kind of goal.  I will just do what I can and be grateful for that accomplishment. 

I will not feel sorry for myself.

On Wednesday, I will board the bus with my lunch, go to my doctors appointments, I have two that day, and my goal will just be to get home in one piece.  Very low bar.  I have no aspirations to get home feeling comfortable or without a headache.  I don't even plan to be able to communicate very well to my psychologist.  I will just do what I can do.  The rest will be taken care of by God, if it is His will, or not.  I will accept the limitations I find with peace.  I will not be saddened by them or deterred in my accomplishing tasks.  Making it safely home is my goal for Wednesday.  I have handled crises in bad shape before, and it is not ideal but, somehow, I come to the other side.  He carries me.  Praise Him.

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